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G's Profile

Gita Permatasari . 15 years old. Not a muggle. Loves to sing [but not good at it] and addicted to coffee. Not moody but you better watch out whom you're messin' with.


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London Fireworks 2012 New Years Eve!

Sunday, January 01, 2012 @ 5:43:00 PM



@ 2:05:00 PM

"Her eyes don't light up when she hears your name anymore. She doesn't get chills when you walk by and her heart doesn't race when you smile at her. You don't get to her like you used too. You're just a bad memory in the back of her mind. So, don't be surprised next time you make your way past her, she doesn't even glance your way. Don't bother trying to talk to her, you won't get a response. She's over fighting the same losing battle. The saddest part is you have no one to blame but yourself. She gave you every chance you could ask for. And you fucked up every time. Now she walks around with nothing but a smile on her face, and she laughs harder than ever before. Looks like you lost her bro."


Stand Up to Cancer

Saturday, December 17, 2011 @ 11:49:00 PM


We Are Young by Glee cast

Thursday, December 15, 2011 @ 8:56:00 PM

This one has successfully teared me up! Okay...



Thursday, November 24, 2011 @ 6:00:00 PM

"Do you ever get that feeling where you don't want to talk to anybody? You don't want to smile and you don't want to fake being happy. But at the same time you don't know exactly what's wrong either. There isn't a way to explain it to someone who doesn't already understand"

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Narrative Task

Sunday, November 20, 2011 @ 10:56:00 AM

The First Mosquito

Long time ago, there was a poor farmer with his beautiful wife. The farmer always worked very hard but his wife never even cared about their household. They lived in a small house like any other farmer's house. His beautiful wife didn't feel satisfied with their poor condition. She thought, his husband supposed to work harder so she could take care of her beauty. To grant her wish, the farmer work even harder. But, no matter how hard he has worked, he still couldn't grant his wife's wish. Besides asking for beauty medicine to keep her beauty, she also asked for expensive clothes.

"How can I look beautiful if I wear ugly clothes?" she said.

Because she had too much attention and thoughts about her beauty, she forgot to take care of her health. She felt ill. The illness got worse and worse each day, and she died. Her husband was really sad. Everyday he cried because of his wife's body that lied in front of him with no power, with no life. Because he didn't want to lose his wife, he didn't burry her body. He still wanted to revive her soul. He wanted to make her come back to the world. To make her alive.

The next day, the poor husband sold everything he had to buy a canoe. With a canoe, he brought his wife's body accross the lake to a place where Gods live. Gods will revive my wife, they will bring back my wife, he thought. Although he didn't know where exactly the place where the Gods lived, he had to keep paddling the canoe. One day, there was a thick fog and it blocked his view until his boat stucked. After the fog evaporated, he saw a really tall mountain that had it top crashed the cloud. Here's the place where the Gods live, he thought. Then he climbed the mountain while bringing his wife's body. And he met an old man

"You must be the God," the farmer was so sure. Then he told the old man why he came there. The old man smiled to him, and he said

"Really, you're a good husband. But what's the point of bringing back your wife?"

"She means everything to me. She's the one who makes me excited for my life. So please, bring her back" the farmer begged him once again. The old man nodded.

"Okay then, I'll grant your wish. To reward your kindness and your hardwork, I'll let you know how to bring back your wife. Prick your finger tip, splash three drops of your blood to her mouth, and she'll back to her life. If she do anything bad, remind her that she lives from 3 splashes of your blood". The farmer did what the old man said and he was right, she came back. She was alive, again. Without thinking any longer, the happy husband brought his wife back. But then the wife realized. With that canoe they used, her husband had nothing. So how could she take care of her beauty?

One day, they arrived in a crowded harbour. The farmer went to the market to find food for their journey, and left his wife for a while. There was a big great ship owned by wealthy merchants. Amazed by the beauty of the farmer's wife, the wealthy merchants asked her to go with him.

"If you go with me, I'll give you anything you ask," he said to her. She was really seduced. So she went with him.

Back from the market, the farmer was so shocked that his wife was gone. He went everywhere to find her but it was nothing. She was nowhere.

A year later, he met her wife. But she refused to live with him again. The farmer suddenly remembered of what the God had told him,

"Really, you never know how to thank me. Just you you know, you came back to this world because you drank 3 splashes of my blood" he said to his wife.

His wife laughed and mocked him.

"So now I need to give your 3 splashes blood back, don't I? Okay then...."

She pricked one of her finger trip by meaning to give it back to her husband. But, after the third splashes of her blood, her face suddenly became pale, her body was so weak and weaker and then she felt to the ground. Died.

After died, she transfigured to a mosquito. Then, for the rest of her night, the mosquito who used to be a beautiful woman, tried so hard everywhere, sucking people's blood just to be back to her original form. To become a beautiful woman.


Saying sorry to myself

Thursday, November 17, 2011 @ 10:50:00 PM

"Lemes...... Selemeslemesnya.... Kenapa gue lebay banget kenapa sih"

Udah kebal pada dasarnya, udah kebiasa, used to it banget. Gara2 one simple little thing, gue jadi ngerasa salah. Gue jadi ngerasa selama ini gue udah ngerusak semuamuamuanya. Tiba2 jadi kepikiran kemana2. Anjir lebay. Jijik sama diri gua sendiri. KENAPA SIH? Gaktau apa karena gue lagi pms atau gimana tapi jujur aja tiba2 ini beda. Rasanya beda aja gitu. Sakitnya, lemesnya, sampe ke semua badan. I feel numb. Gabisa ngerasain apa2 selain 'rasa ini'. Lebay emang TAPI GUE JUGA BINGUNG KENAPA.

"Things That Need To Stop : Myself being so selfish and stupid that causing hurt even more."

Bukan salah lo, bukan. Salah gue semuanya. Kenapa gue harus egois dan begooo banget. Saking egoisnya sama 1 hal gue sampe gak mikirin..another part of me.

"Congratulation! You've succesfully accomplished your biggest mission : Make me fall. And stop right there because everything's done"

Everything's done. Lagi2, atau apa karena gue lagi pms jadi gue gak mikir apa2 terus sekarang gue jadi asal bikin statement itu apa emang gue beneran mau. Dan selamat! Watching me as I fall because of your cleverness and my own stupidness . That's been the only thing you're waiting for this whooole whole time, isn't it? Udah kok. Sekali lagi selamat ya.

"Sometimes it's hurting, you know, holding on to nothing"

Pertanyaannya mungkin 'Apa gue baru sadar selama ini gue holding on to nothing?' jawabannya enggak, gue sadar. I was holding on to nothing so I thought, if I fall, I'll just fall into a flat surface that causes nothing. Tapi sekarang kenyataannya, I just fell into a deep black big hole with so much thorn. Jadi sekarang gue tersesat, kegelapan, gak tau harus ngapain, mau kemana, dan sakit. Sakit.

"Salah gue emang semuanya. Cara minta maaf sama diri sendiri itu gimana ya? Perasaan jd gaenak terus"

Lagi2, blaming myself. Serius, ini salah gue. Kenapa gitu, gue gabisa bilang. Disatu sisi diri gue nyesel banget, disatu sisi diri gue pengen marah2, disatu sisi diri gue mau minta maaf, disatu sisi diri gue cuma mau nangis aja.

"I'd do anything. I'd do anything just to stop this, to over it."

Please, God, I'm begging you.... I just want to stop hurting myself. And everyone.

"You have your own beautiful dreams and I do, too. It's just... 'I wish nothing but the best, for you, too'"

We both know we're having our own dreams. Dan gue janji, janji sama diri gue sendiri kalau gue gakmau ganggu mimpi lo. Lo seneng gue juga seneng. As simple as that. Cuma gue gamau datengin orang itu cuma pada saat lo butuhin atau cuma karena lo tau orang itu bakal SELALU ada buat lo.

You have no idea about what I'm talking now, don't you? Yap. Gue gak akan cerita apa maksudnya. Cuma mau ngeluarin unek2 aja karena jelas2 gue gak bisa cerita ke siapapun secara langsung. Temen paling deket pun. Because no one's ever on my side. Because all they ever see is the 'mean'me. Because no one's ever know the truth. Because no one's ever know the beginning of everything. And no one does care.


Suka, Cinta, Sayang

Monday, November 14, 2011 @ 12:49:00 PM

Ada rasa Suka, Cinta dan Sayang. Suka itu jika kau hanya mengagumi seseorang tapi tidak terlalu memikirkannya. Hanya sekedar suka. Cinta itu jauh di atas suka. Kau mencintainya, merasakan bahwa kau harus memilikinya dan selalu over protective terhadapnya. Dan sayang adalah dimana kau merasa sangat sangat membutuhkannya, kau mencintainya, tapi kau merelakannya demi kebahagiannya, tidak ada paksaan. Sayang jauh di atas cinta, merelakan orang yang kita cintai dengan ikhlas adalah rasa terbesar yang pernah ada. Sayang tidak berarti memiliki, tapi kita akan selalu terobsesi untuk membuat orang yang kita sayang itu merasa nyaman bersama kita. Kau pernah merasakannya? Aku pernah. Bagaimana denganmu? (Source: Fabraum Wolke)

Yang ada dipikiran gue cuma satu = HA HA HA

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Rumor Has It / Someone Like You by The Troubletones from 'Glee'

Saturday, November 12, 2011 @ 7:45:00 AM

I don't know but Santana's voice almost made me cry :(

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I hate that feeling

Friday, November 11, 2011 @ 10:19:00 PM

"Have you ever had that feeling, where you don't exactly know how you feel? It's an indescribable feeling. You don't feel happy, you don't feel sad, you're not angry or even confused. Your emotions are just all jumbled up and you have that uneasy feeling in your stomach. All you do is wish that everything made sense, that you knew exactly what was happening to you. But the truth is you don't and it's slowly killing you inside. You know that feeling? I hate that feeling."



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